AirCat $90/mo. Lease Program

Here's how this cost-saving lease plan works:

  • Under this program, you will be billed only $90 per month per AirCat, and then will be billed $30 for each customer test that we process.
  • If you have existing monitors leased at a flat rate, you can convert them to "per test" before the 25th of any month, and be charged $90 per selected monitor on your next bill. "Per test" processing fees will be applied to the bill that follows that.*
  • Each subsequent billing period will include the previous month's $30 "per test" fees, in addition to the next month's $90 lease rate.
  • If you convert your lease back to the flat rate program, then be advised that you will receive a charge for the per-test fees incurred in the prior period on your next bill.
  • All other terms of your monitor lease and service with Radalink are the same as with the flat rate lease.
  • Find a link on your MyRadalink monitors page later to convert back to a "flat rate" plan when your number of customer radon tests rises to a level that justifies leasing at the flat monthly rate.

* Existing customers will find a link on their MyRadalink monitors page to convert current lease(s) to and from this $90/mo. plan.

Radalink AirCat radon monitor


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