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Main Page > For Inspectors > How it Works
How does the Radalink™ system work?
From start to finish, here's how it is done.
These are the steps you take, as an inspector, to produce a highly-accurate, certified Radalink radon report.
Start a Document.
With our scheduling feature you or your staff can prepare your required pre-test report documentation
using our online customer portal, our mobile app,
or you can submit your documentation by faxing it to us.
TIP: Make sure the property to be tested meets “closed environment” conditions for the required period prior to the test.
Begin a Test.
Place one or more Radalink radon monitors in the lowest
livable area at a property, and initiate the testing process,
using your Bluetooth-enabled device.
DID YOU KNOW? Our monitors let you delay the start of the test measurements, in case the property’s pre-test closed conditions were not met.
Let it Run.
After 48 hours or more, stop the test and re-enter the property
to retrieve the radon monitor(s).
TIP: It is recommended that you seal windows and doors with tamper tape, and hang “test in progress” notices on exterior doorknobs to ensure the environment stays closed.
Finish the Document.
Submit your required post-test report documentation
via our online customer portal, or our mobile app.
DID YOU KNOW? You can start a document either before you go to a location or after you’ve started the test and seen the property’s conditions.
Once your pre-test and post-test documentation is
complete, upload the test data to our lab via your
internet-connected, Bluetooth-enabled device.
We put your report together.
When your test information is complete, and data is
received at our lab, our technicians will compile a
customized comprehensive report, and screen the results for any
possible problems.
Get your report.
You will receive an email or text message alert when
your report is ready. The report can also be emailed or faxed to your client, agents, and attorneys, depending on your wishes.
TIP: You can have the report automatically emailed or faxed to additional recipients. If you submit a valid test, we'll pass it to the others you set up in your documentation automatically.
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